The Hippo Camping Inside My Brain

Tonight I was driving along in my car listening to the radio and the announcer started talking about a very interesting topic:  the hippo camping inside our brains.  Did you know that by taking a walk every day, you can make the hippo camping inside your brain grow larger in just a year?

Yeah, me either.

As I listened to the radio announcer talk about the hippo camping inside my brain, I became enthralled with this new information.  Apparently, the reason we start to have more and more “senior moments” as we get older is because this hippo in our brains gets a little smaller every year as we age.

Personally, I had always heard that elephants have really great memories, not hippos, but maybe I was wrong…maybe my hippo is already starting to shrink?  Egads, I need to get out and take a walk!

Anyway, the entire time I was at the store I was thinking about this hippo that is camping inside my brain.  I envisioned my hippo as being kind of like Gloria from the movie Madagascar–sassy yet sweet, bold but beautiful.  You know, sort of like me only not really.

When I got home, I decided I wanted to find out more about the hippo camping inside my brain so I did what any normal person with a computer and an internet connection would do–I Googled it.

Nothing came up.

I tried it again.  Nothing.

Then, I just tried “hippo brain” and the following search term appeared:  hippocampus.  Not ‘hippo camping inside my brain’.  Hippocampus.

Interestingly enough, the hippocampus is the part of the brain that is involved in memory forming, organizing, and storing.  Apparently, mine is either completely defective or is shrinking at a shocking rate. (Not more than 5 years ago, I passed college Biology with straight A’s.  Somehow, I’m pretty certain we covered the brain.)

All this thinking about the hippo camping inside my brain, and the hippocampus, eventually led me to think about God.

Can you imagine what His hippocampus must be like?

On one hand, He personally knows each and every one of us, and never for one second will ever forget us.

Not ever, not even one of us.

He created each one of us with a design so unique that it has never been nor never will be duplicated again.  He remembers every little detail, delights in every little nuance of His creation no matter how obscure, like the freckle on my left cheek and my aversion to meat on the bone..

On the other hand, He’s also really forgetful…especially when it comes to sin that has been covered by the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ.  Once it has been forgiven, it’s forgotten.  Forever.  You know, as far as the east is from the west kind of thing.  He’s not going to bring it up again next week when you get in a fight.

Once God has forgotten about it, it’s like me remembering the hippocampus from biology class.

It’s not happening.

As for the hippo camping inside my brain…well, I probably won’t be forgetting her any time soon.