We Interupt Our Regular Programming…

I am devastated by the shootings that happened yesterday at Shady Hook Elementary School in Conneticut.  My own words cannot describe how deeply my heart goes out to the Newtown, CT community and most especially to the parents and families who lost loved ones yesterday.

All day yesterday I kept picturing the faces of the children I know and love who are in elementary school, particularly Kindergarten and 1st grade, like my son, Alex, and niece, Alyssa.

The events of yesterday are unspeakable.  Why did this have to happen, and how do we continue to live in a world that feels so scary and unsafe?

I don’t have any answers for these questions. 

I wish I did, but the truth is there is no sense that can be made of this tragedy.  Nothing I could ever say or do would bring back the loss of precious young lives and innocent people who died trying to protect the children in their care. 

What I do have is the following devotional I read this morning. I wept as I read the following devotional from the book Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.  I want to share it with you:

“I AM TAKING CARE OF YOU.  Feel the warmth and security of being enveloped in My loving Presence.  Every detail of your life is under My control.  Moreover, everything fits into a pattern for good, to those who love Me and are called according to My design and purpose.

Because the world is in an abnormal, fallen condition, people tend to think that chance governs the universe.  Events may seem to occur randomly, with little or no meaning.  People who view the world this way have overlooked one basic fact:  the limitations of human understanding.  What you know of the world you inhabit is only the tip of the iceberg.  Submerged beneath the surface of the visible world are mysteries too vast for you to comprehend.  If you could only see how close I am to you and how constantly I work on your behalf, you would never again doubt that I am wonderfully caring for you.  This is why you must live by faith, not by sight; trusting in My mysterious, majestic Presence.”

So for today, here in the wild north of Wisconsin where I’m at with Alex, my friend Sarah and her 3 year old Isaiah, I’m going to hold tight to what I know is true. 

The Lord is my Shepherd, and I will fear no evil because He is with me.

I will live by faith, not by sight.

May you find comfort in these truths as well.


“We live by faith, not by sight.” 

2 Corinthians 5:7